Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shelfo - My favourite place

Yesterday was a big a day.  It started with an early morning bike ride with a couple of the other teachers - originally we were going to ride down the Cairns Rd to the Doggit but then decided on a more scenic route, Poison Track (this is what the locals call it - not 100% why, but something to do with it being haunted or something along those lines).

This track during the wet season is pretty much a swamp plain.  Parts of it off the track are still slightly swampy.  This is where a lot of the wild brumbies like to hang out and graze.  There was a few that morning, but unfortunately they are quite camera shy and our little camera can't zoom in enough to get a good shot.  We definitely have to invest in a better camera soon.

Further along the track we came to Gooseberry Creek, although to me it looks more like a river and this is pretty much the end of the dry season.  Imagine what it will be like in the wet season!

Trying to be a little arty with the scenery!! 

After the morning bike ride, we headed over to the school to move the old library to Kowanyama State Schools brand new library.  This was quite a big job - bigger then any of us was expecting, so we were there for quite a few hours. 

After a well deserved BBQ lunch a few of us decided to head out to Shelfo.

Shelfo is my favourite place in Kowie.  It is the only place to safely swim - or so we are told and I am willing to believe it because it is just so beautiful and refreshing and it is only a half hour drive from town.

Pats relaxing in 'The Spa'
Our croc spotters!
Lifeguard Bronx

Our shady 'Coolabah' tree

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